How Construction Foremen, Inspectors, & Trainers Can Easily Access Workers' Credentials

Construction sites are hazardous areas where serious personal injuries or death can occur, especially when workers are not credentialed to perform certain job tasks. Even though background checks are often done before hiring construction workers, foremen can have a difficult time in determining who is able to perform which jobs while on job sites. Fortunately, there is an employee credential check system that allows foremen to take a quick glance at a construction worker's credentials while out of the office. Here's how it works. 

Each worker is given a badge 

After being hired, each worker is given a badge to wear or to keep on their person while on job sites. These badges have personal identification information on them, such as name, position, and photograph. A QR code is also printed on the badge. QR codes consist of collection of black and white squares which can be read by a smartphone or tablet. This QR code accesses all of the worker's credentials, such as verified skills, training records, and various necessary certifications. 

Data accessed by a QR code is secured in a cloud database

Companies that provide employee credential check systems provide cloud databases that are secured. Using a cloud database platform eliminates the need for infrastructure in the office. For construction companies and other industries where turn-over rates and continuing education are commonplace, cloud databases can meet the ever-increasing demands and fluctuations that are seen. These systems are secure and impenetrable, which means your workers do not have to be concerned about identify theft. 

Foremen and inspectors verify credentials 

Credentials can be checked at any time by foremen and inspectors simply by using a smartphone or tablet to scan the QR code. This allows foremen to ensure that the appropriate worker or sub-contractor is given tasks to complete while keeping in compliance with OSHA, EHS, MSHA, and EPA standards. That way, risks of fines are mitigated and on-site injuries and deaths due to inexperienced and unskilled workers can be avoided. 

Credentials are easily updated in real time 

Trainers can easily update each worker's credentials in real time simply by accessing the database via the QR code of an employee's badge. There is no waiting period, which could cause a hindrance in the ability for a newly trained worker to perform new skills. The system can also be set up to allow trainers and foremen to register workers for various training and safety programs. 
