Helpful Tips For Encouraging Your Students To Stay Motivated During Class

Do you currently teach a specific subject to students in high school? You may feel like some of the students are not very motivated or encouraged to get through their work in class each day. If you want to help your students get excited about learning by inspiring them and providing the support they need, there are plenty of ways to get started.

Hire a Guest Speaker

Think about the possibility of hiring a guest speaker who could come over to the school to talk to the children. A guest speaker could be someone the students would love to hear from, such as a radio personality, news anchor, or some authoritative figure they have heard of before. The guest speaker could talk about his or her struggles in life and how important it was to stay in school, keep pushing forward, and focus on making progress to reach the level of success he or she has achieved.

The students would be able to ask the guest speaker some questions while receiving good advice from someone they can look up to as a role model. Shortly after the visit, you may notice some of your students are a bit more motivated in the classroom because they want to be successful, too.

There are many different guest speakers you can look to, and many different ways to contact people. Consider looking online to find resources, such as eSpeakers, to find the right speaker for your high school. 

Offer Rewards to Students For Reaching Goals

Let your students know that you plan on handing out rewards each time they are able to reach a goal they set for themselves. If your students know they are going to get a reward for completing a large project, improving their overall grade, or helping out other students who may need some assistance, they would probably feel more motivated to stay focused in school rather than worrying about chatting or looking at their phones.

Not sure what kinds of rewards you should offer? You could give your students homemade tickets for reaching goals. The tickets could allow them to skip a night of homework or even get some free time during class. You could put anything you want on the tickets and then hand them out to students once they have done something good.

Teaching high school students is a challenge. As the students get older, they may feel bored with certain subjects and lose focus fairly quickly. If you want to keep the students motivated and excited about learning new things in your classroom, you may want to hire a guest speaker to talk to them. Or You could come up with a reward system for students who make progress and do fairly well in your classroom as well.
